Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge

Trip Status: Planned for May 2016. Check back for pictures!

“Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge protects one of the largest remaining expanses of tidal salt marsh in the mid-Atlantic region… The refuge offers visitors a 12-mile wildlife drive, five walking trails (2 handicapped accessible), three observation towers, wildlife photography, hunting opportunities, a variety of nature and educational programs, and interpretative displays.” From the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as of April 28, 2016

Ideal Dates:

Shorebirds at salt marsh during low tide in late May (peak), Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Waterfowl

From the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as of April 28, 2016:
Peak concentrations of shorebirds.
Horseshoe crabs move onto the bay shore and begin laying eggs.
Bullfrogs and green frogs join in the swamp chorus.
Warbler migration peaks.
Snapping turtles lay eggs.
Tulip trees and spring wildflowers are in full bloom.
Duck broods appear.
First whitetail deer fawns are seen.

Fall/Winter – Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Early Fall), Snow Geese (Early Fall, Late Winter), Eagles (Winter)

From the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as of April 28, 2016:

Peak of fall waterfowl migration. Common species include Canada geese, snow geese, (blue and white phases), gadwall, mallard, black duck, pintail, American widgeon, wood duck, northern shoveler, blue-winged and green-winged teal, scaup, bufflehead, ruddy duck, red-breasted and hooded merganser.

Eagles often seen perched on leafless branches.
High populations of wintering birds, especially waterfowl, throughout the month unless a hard freeze pushes them further south.

The spring waterfowl migration peaks. Ducks, snow geese and Canada geese are abundant.
Woodchucks and turtles emerge from hibernation.
Woodcock courtship flights occur.
Alders and red Maples flower.
Deer ticks emerge.


2591 Whitehall Neck Road Smyrna, DE 19977


Wildlife & Landscape Photography
“Blast-off” of thousands of Snow Geese in the morning


2 cameras (1 for still, and 1 for video of “blast off”)
Shutter release
Super-telephoto Lens

More Info:


Blackwater NWR
Prime Hook NWR

Published by

Aileen Keil

I am a budding photographer based out of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. I have a wide range of interests in photography, and I am still experimenting to find my style. I gravitate towards landscapes, yet I enjoy challenging myself with other forms of photography. Cheers to diversity. I would love to hear your feedback or answer any questions you have.